What's New in RAM Charger 8?

If you're wondering about all those versions
of RAM Charger leading up to number 8 -- you didn't miss
them, we skipped them. The skip to 8 is to
show compatibility with Mac OS 8 and also
indicate the substantial changes to the RAM Charger 8
PowerPC mode and the greatly
modified/simplified user interface. Detailed changes from
previous versions of RAM Charger (called
OptiMem, before that) are too many to be listed. The
new manual (copied
onto your disk when you install the software) gives all the details about this new version. And the
similar More About This
Mac Pro Manual is also installed on your disk so you can understand all the options in that product, as
well. Major changes in RAM Charger 8
- There is a new
RAM Charger
Pull-down Menu, that is accessible in all applications, toward
the right end of the menu bar. This menu displays information
about the computer's current memory use, and provides access to
the other RAM Charger feedback and configuration windows. This
provides the benefits of the RAM Charger v2 Heads-up display, in a
simpler, less intrusive manner. Thus users will find less need to
keep the Heads-up window open on their desktop (but it is still
available in v8, and has been slightly simplified, for those who
still want it).
- The basic RAM Charger settings for an
application are now displayed right in the
Finder's Get
Info window for the application, where Mac users are
accustomed to looking for information about an application's
memory requirements. Most adjustments may be made right in the Get
Info window, without opening the more comprehensive RAM Charger
Application Settings window.
- The setup and tuning of the optimized
memory management for applications is simpler and more automatic
than before, so users will have even less need for any active
operation of RAM Charger. The viewing and adjustment of memory
settings in the
RAM Charger
Application Settings window is simpler than before, making it
easier to use. Settings may now be viewed and changed for an
application even while it is running. The basic setting, of
whether an application is RAM Charged or not, is now shown right
in the list of all applications, for easy browsing.
- There is a More
About This Mac window that provides a display based on the
Finder's About This Macintosh window, but with additional features
related to how memory is being used. An optional second window is
provided that simulates how memory would be used if RAM Charger
was not working. More details are available
- The memory management optimizing code
for RAM Charger 8 has been significantly enhanced. The Power Mac
implementation has been accelerated beyond the "native" (PPC mode)
or "fat" (providing both PPC and 68K modes, with selection based
upon the mode of the client code) methods normally used. RAM
Charger 8 includes unique procedures to choose the best
combination of 68K and PowerPC code, depending on the active
configuration of system and application software. The result will
reduce the previously low overhead of using RAM Charger,
- There is an improvement to the memory
management of Adobe Photoshop, and other applications that tend to
hold on to memory that they are not actively using at the moment.
This appears in two places: a) The
option offered in the RAM Charger Applications Settings window
will use additional measures to take back unused memory from
applications whenever they are switched to the background, and b)
The Squeeze
item available in the RAM Charger Pull-Down Menu allows you to
request that the active application release unused memory whenever
you feel it might be useful (for example, right after you have
closed a big document in Photoshop).
- The installation process is improved.
It is now simpler, complete
Read Me
First notes are accessible in the installer, the full manuals
and Read Me files are installed onto the destination disk, and the
installer is a single, compressed file including both RAM Charger
8 and More About This Mac.
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Development Group, Inc. All
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