If you have any trouble with the installation or
operation of RAM Charger, the following discussion
of problems and solutions should help you get back
on track. Any addendum or clarifications to this
material will be found in the RAM Charger Release Notes
document on the
distribution disk. If you cannot resolve a problem,
please call or send us e-mail. Technical support is
free to all registered users.
& Answers
Why do I see a message
stating "RAM Charger was unable to start" when
restarting my computer?
This is usually due to an
incomplete installation, but may be due to
damaged files. In either case reinstalling RAM
Charger is usually the solution. To install, you
must use the Installer program on the
distribution disk. During installation, several
files are copied to your startup disk and then
configured for correct operation. For a list of
all files, see the Files installed on startup
disk section.
Why do I see a message
stating that "RAM Charger failed to start because
its serial ID is in use on another
Each copy of RAM Charger has
a unique serial ID and is licensed to run on one
computer at a time. You must buy and install a
separate copy of RAM Charger, each with its own
serial ID, on each computer you wish to use it
on, at the same time.
Why is a yellow traffic
signal flashing over the apple menu?
This does not indicate that
anything is wrong. It is simply an early warning
signal that RAM Charger provides when free
memory is running low. This allows you to plan
ahead and avoid running out completely at an
awkward moment. The level of free memory which
triggers the yellow caution icon is adjustable.
It may also be turned off altogether, if you
wish. To find out how to make this adjustment,
see the Low memory
early warning level paragraph in the General Settings section of this
manual. For additional information, refer to the
section on Running
out of memory.
Why does the starting
memory size of a RAM Charged application not change
after I change its minimum or preferred
Changing the minimum and/or
preferred size does affect the starting memory
size for some applications when
RAM Charged. However, the starting memory size
of a RAM Charged application should be changed
within the RAM
Charger Application Settings window, and this
setting will often be unrelated to the
application's minimum and preferred sizes. See
the section on starting memory
size for more details.
What can I do if an
application runs slower than I would like when it
is RAM Charged?
Some applications have to
work harder when they try to do the same task in
a smaller amount of memory, so there can be a
trade-off between memory and speed. In such a
case, you may be able to increase performance by
giving the application a larger starting memory
size while keeping the benefits of being RAM
Charged. See the section on Advanced RAM Charger
settings for more about changing this and
other settings of an application.

You should not generally see
a slow-down when combining RAM Charging with
compressed application files, but it may happen
in some unusual cases. Depending on how your
system is configured, some applications can slow
down if their resource files are compressed
(with or without being RAM Charged). The
possibility of this is increased if the
application is running in a small partition
(which RAM Charger encourages). If you do find
an application that seems slower, and it has
been compressed with a disk, file, or resource
compression product, one thing that might help
is to expand the application, and configure your
compression program to leave it expanded.
If a slow-down does seem
to be related to using files on disk, there are
other software adjustments you can make in order
to improve performance. For example, you can
increase your system's disk cache size (from the
Memory control panel) and/or a compression
product's cache or buffer size (which can
improve performance in general).
What can I do if my
computer makes unusual disk noise in some
A few situations have been
found, with particular application/ document
combinations when memory is tight, that cause
increased activity on the hard disk. Our tests
have not found performance and interactive
response to be drastically reduced by this, so
you may wish to ignore it. However, if the noise
is distracting or if you are operating on
battery power (when any disk access is
undesirable) we have found that increasing the
starting memory size of the application by 100K
or 200K can eliminate the extra activity. See
the section on Advanced RAM Charger
settings for more about changing the
starting memory
size of an application.
What can I do if an
application which is working fine suddenly becomes
sluggish in operation when I open another document
or begin a complicated operation?
If you push an application
past the limits which you have used before,
sluggish operation could be due to running low
in a specialized block of memory even though
there is free memory available. If so, simply
quitting and restarting the application can
automatically reconfigure the application to
work better at this new level if the
reserves option is
enabled in the application's RAM Charger
settings. See the section on Reserved memory areas
for more
If I come across an
application that doesn't work well when RAM
Charged, do I have to make a choice between running
either RAM Charger or this application on my
NO! You can easily tell RAM
Charger not to RAM Charge one application
independently of all others. Just open the
RAM Charger
Application Settings window, select the desired
application, and un-check the RAM Charged setting. However,
with a little adjusting, you may be able to
achieve effective RAM Charging of new
applications that initially have trouble. See
the section on Breaking in new
What can I do when the
Finder is unable to keep open a window or control
panel--even the RAM Charger Heads-up
display--because there is "not enough
Sometimes the System memory,
used by the Finder on your Mac, cannot
accommodate a current need (even if there is
lots of free memory, overall). Making more
memory available to the Finder in this situation
requires that you close windows or quit
programs--in the most extreme cases, you may
need to restart the computer. Usually, closing
the most recent windows or programs opened does
the job, but there is no sure way to tell. The
problem is due to the way the Finder and other
system tasks allocate memory (which must be
contiguous with the existing main system memory
block or heap). The simple fact that some free
memory is available does not avoid the problem
by itself--the memory must be in a specific
location. This can happen whether or not RAM
Charger is installed. Even though RAM Charger
actually reduces the potential for such
occurrences (but cannot eliminate them
altogether), some users might see this more
often after installing RAM Charger because it
allows other programs to access all of the
fragmented blocks of memory more effectively
than before. The section on Blocking expansion of system
memory give more details on this
situation. Refer to the Avoiding running out of
System/Finder memory section to learn
how to reduce the problem.
What can I do if I need to
select an application in the RAM Charger
Application Settings window, but the name of the
disk it's on is dimmed and unavailable in the
"Disk" pop-up menu?
This might occur when the
disk is being shared from a file server using a
foreign or out-of-date file format. You can
select a program on such a disk by using a
Directory Dialog Box which is displayed after
choosing Select
Other Application from the
File menu.
What if I can list the
programs on the disk I wish to select from but the
program I'm looking for doesn't show up on the
First, note that RAM Charger
is only able to RAM Charge memory for
application programs, not desk a ccessories. (There are some fully
featured desk accessories that you might think
of as full applications, but they cannot be RAM
Charged and thus are not listed.) Second, there
may be cases when some applications on a disk
cannot be listed (for example, when memory is
limited or when application files have been
compressed with a file compression product in a
way that makes it difficult to detect them
during the search). In any case, for any program
that is not listed right there in the
RAM Charger
Application Settings window, choose
Select Other
Application from the File menu to find and
select it.
Getting help
Help provides a description of each element
in the RAM Charger windows. To see the help text,
activate Balloon
Help and point to the element in question.
To activate Balloon
Help, either click
the Balloon
Help icon found in each of the windows or
select Show
Balloons from the Help menu. For more information about using
help balloons, select About Balloon Help from the Help menu or see the Apple Macintosh Reference or Macintosh User's Guide that came with your computer
or system software.
The complete documentation
for RAM Charger (including this reference manual)
is copied to your startup disk during installation.
So, you may read it on- screen while you are
working. A Read Me
First document might
have late-breaking information which is not in the
reference manual.
Bugs? What
RAM Charger is intended to be
as ubiquitous and commonly used as the Finder, so
we continue to make every effort to ensure that it
is not only bulletproof but a pleasure to use.
That's why any suggestions or concerns which you
might have are critically important to us. We
appreciate your input not only on the operation of
the software itself, but also on the documentation,
help balloons, and every aspect of the look and
feel of the product as a whole. If you find
anything wrong with the product, please let us know
immediately so that we may find a speedy
RAM Charger
To temporarily remove RAM
Charger from your system, restart your computer and
press the shift key immediately when the
Charger icon is displayed at the bottom of the
screen. (You may release the shift key when you
hear a beep or see a red "X" over the icon, to
avoid affecting any other extensions that follow.)
RAM Charger will not be functional until the next
time you restart.
To disable RAM Charger for an
extended period, either use one of the available
system extension manager products or simply move
the RAM
Charger file out of the Extensions folder (put it on the desktop
or make an inactive folder for this--one called
(Disabled) is commonly used for this). Whenever
you move files in or out of the Extensions folder, you must then restart the
computer for the change to take effect. A similar
procedure may be used to disable More About This Mac, which is kept in the Control Panels
folder when active.
To remove RAM Charger
completely from a startup disk, see the section on
Removing or
de-installing RAM Charger.
RAM Charger technical support
is available by e-mail. Please provide the
following information when you contact us, so that
we can help with your problem:
- The RAM Charger serial ID
and version number (open the RAM Charger Application Settings
window and select
About RAM Charger
Settings from the
Apple menu to see these at the bottom of the
- The Macintosh model and
System software version being used.
- The steps you take which
recreate the problem.
- Also, if you call, it's
helpful to have your computer ready for
Contact Jump Development
Group via e-mail to RAMCharger (at) RAMCharger.com. Or, visit
our World Wide Web site at <http://www.RAMCharger.com> for the latest
RAM Charger
Registered users will be
notified of the availability of major upgrades.
Minor updates are available free for downloading
from the major networks. For the latest update
information check the RAM Charger web page