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RAM Charger 8 HTML Manual


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RAM Charger is a revolutionary system extension that makes a fundamental change to the way your application programs use memory. As a result it increases your hardware's ability to open applications and documents, and
keepthem open. But that's just the beginning. RAM Charger offers a level of memory optimization, configurability, and feedback unavailable for Macintosh computers until now.


What RAM Charger

RAM Charger works by dynamically allocating memory to open applications, as they need it, instead of holding it in large, fixed blocks, the way your Mac normally would. For example, all that extra memory you're going to need when you finally print your presentation doesn't have to sit idle when you're interrupted and need to open your calendar quickly. And you no longer have to waste the unused hundreds of kilobytes of memory normally allocated to your fax or phone manager application during all those hours it's just sitting there waiting for a call to come in.

While it's easy to see that RAM Charger is a breakthrough for people who frequently run short of memory on their Macs, it may not be quite so obvious that it's also a major gain for those Mac users who have more memory than they'll ever use. Because even on the occasions when your Mac's memory isn't full, RAM Charger still provides these major benefits:

  • RAM Charger opens applications with smaller "relocatable" blocks of memory, and maintains free memory in larger blocks. This helps prevent the frustration of opening an application to discover that, although there's plenty of free memory, it has been fragmented into blocks too small for the program you want to run.
  • RAM Charger continuously resizes the memory allocated to each open application, so you can open more and more documents without quitting, resizing, and restarting.
  • RAM Charger reduces those occasions when the Finder doesn't have enough memory to keep a window open or complete a requested operation, even though there is plenty of memory free.
  • RAM Charger also reduces those occasions when applications quit unexpectedly because they've run out of memory (often without giving you a chance to save your work).
  • RAM Charger even helps prevent those seemingly unexplainable failures that occur when you know there's enough memory to proceed but a message pops up and insists that there isn't. (This happens when an operation requires expansion of system software memory into an area already occupied by another program. RAM Charger alleviates this problem by keeping application memory out of the way of an expanding system block.)
  • RAM Charger gives you advanced warning when memory is running low. So even if you domanage to push your RAM Charged memory to the limit, you still have plenty of time to close a window or two-- in anyapplication and keep on going.
  • RAM Charger is smart, too. It adapts to the programs you use and the way you work and finds new ways to optimize your memory.

Even when you finally dorun out of memory,RAM Charger makes it easier to recover and continue without disrupting your flow. You spend less time figuring out and working around system problems that have nothing to do with the task at hand. If you find, for instance, that there's not enough memory to do a final spelling check before printing your word processor document, you might just close one of the windows you're no longer using in your spreadsheet program and fire away--without stopping to close/quit, resize memory partitions, and restart.


What RAM Charger
doen't do

RAM Charger doesn't have anything to do with disk storage. The distinction between short-term random access memory(sometimes called RAM) and long-term disk storageis often confusing. Just remember--the memory that RAM Charger manages is the short-term working memory used only when your computer is turned on. Since documents and application programs are loaded into this memory whenever you open them, view them, or work with them, RAM Charger lets you have more things open and makes it easier to trade off document windows from one application to another. Disks, on the other hand, provide the long-term permanent storage for your documents, programs, and other files, even with the computer turned off. When you try to save your work and are notified that there isn't enough space available, this refers to disk storage space, and RAM Charger doesn't know a thing about that. (RAM Charger doesn't do Windows either!)

RAM Charger does not use virtual memory techniques to extend the logical address space with disk storage or data compression (such as that done by Apple's VM or RAM Doubler). So, RAM Charger will even work on Macs that don't have the hardware necessary for virtual memory. However, since RAM Charger is independent of virtual memory, it also works well with it, allowing applications to do more with less of the logical memory space available, whether virtual or real. In fact, users of RAM Charger can often avoid the lost performance and disk space of virtual memory altogether.

Even RAM Charger doesn't charge everything. But if you do find something that doesn't benefit from it, you can easily turn RAM Charger off just for that application and continue using it at the same time as other applications that are RAM Charged.


(RSynopsisA -- 03/10/98)

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